Maritime injuries are just as serious as any work-related injury. The sea has workers risking their lives performing dangerous tasks all the time, and if those tasks aren’t taking place in acceptable areas, maritime injury attorneys could come into play to seek justice.
According to Digital Journal, a New Orleans company just released a new website designed to address maritime injury concerns.
“The law surrounding maritime injury and accident cases is complex,” said Hugh Lambert of The Lambert Firm. “We wanted to go one step further by providing an intuitive and informative site for all our current and future clients. We want to help victims get the essential information they need to pursue their claims.”
Hopefully new innovations like this will help spread awareness to companies and employees alike about the Jones Act.
The Jones Act is a piece of legislation that protects U.S. workers who are injured while at sea. It’s also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. This federal law enables sailors who have been injured or got sick while working to recover enough compensation from their employers.
Personal injury lawsuits for workers at sea, along with the Jones Act, are often paired with two other sea-related claims. Unseaworthiness deals with a boat, ship, or other maritime vehicle not in good enough condition to operate on the sea. The other claim accompanied with the Jones Act is a claim for maintenance and cure. Maintenance and care has to deal with seamen who are injured while working at sea and are entitled to day to day living expenses from their employer.
These claims are remedies for no fault that are available to seaman, but any employee working in a maritime-related field can qualify. The best way to handle these claims, situations, or injuries is to consult with a maritime injury attorney who can provide you with the necessary legal counsel you need to put the entire situation behind you, get what you deserve, and get back to your normal life. Maritime injury attorneys are there to help you get what you deserve and aid you through this difficult time.
Injuries, no matter by land or by sea, can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. Contact a successful personal injury law firm to speak to qualified personal injury attorneys if you or someone you love has been injured on the job.