In the United States, more than two million people suffer injuries that force them to spend time in the hospital every year. While there are virtually countless scenarios that could cause someone to get hurt that bad, many need care from medical professionals after getting in a car accident. In fact, last year, according to data gathered from Statistic Brain, there were roughly 25,570 fatal car crashes. Cars help people get through their daily responsibilities quicker, the fact that there are so many drivers means that roads are constantly busy and accidents are a regular occurrence. While getting healthy should be the number one priority after a crash, receiving the proper car accident compensation is also a serious issue.
Unfortunately, the need for auto injury attorneys does not seem as if it is going to decrease any time in the near future. Estimates by IBIS Wold Research found that the personal injury law industry is expected to grow nearly two percent every year in the United States. This troubling trend means that the demand for auto accident injury attorneys is going to continue to rise and the search for the right professional help will become more common if driving doesn’t get safer.
One way that you and every other driver on the road can help curtail the number of accidents, and therefore injuries, is by simply slowing down. Roughly 40% of all accidents that lead to fatalities, according to some estimates, are related to speeding. This means that driving the speed limit and staying aware is a must for drivers who want to remain safe. Doing so can go a long way towards preventing accidents and eliminating the need for car accident compensation lawyers.
Though car crashes are a common source of injury, and the car accident compensation process is something that millions of people have to go through every year, unsafe drivers are hardly the only cause of injury. Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics say that 15% of all personal injury law suits in the U.S. stem from medical malpractice. Though this stat might seem frightening, this means that the doctors who are meant to provide care and treatments for injuries are making mistakes that cause further damage. That might be something else to think about before acting recklessly behind the wheel. To see more, read this: St. louis car accident lawyer